Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Colorado Ski Weekend

This weekend, we headed up to Silverthorne to do some skiing.  On my third day, I took off work and skied with my father-in-law Wally - it was my 15th day of the season, and his 101st!

We started by doing Montezuma bowl at Arapahoe Basin, which just opened this year and provides some pretty extensive and dramatic terrain as you can see:


Panoramic Image- Click and drag, use - and + to zoom

For our third run we ended up dropping in on Schauffler's run, which is skiers right down the ridge.  Due to the steepness, and some challenging breakable crust snow conditions it was a lot more difficult to turn than anticipated, but we did fine in getting down.  A complete rush, but one that left us ready to head for the relative safety of the mogul runs back at the North Peak of Keystone where we spent the rest of our day.

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